
Monday, 2 April 2007

7. Different Days

All certainty is gone. For months, then years, I did not know what kind of day I would have, what kind of memories it would bring or how I would cope with that. The best days were those when I felt most myself and not living under the long shadow of sadness and grief and anger caused by my dad. The worst days - moments or days even - where when I was unable to separate myself from him, when I truly felt the fear that I too was cursed and I too would end up taking my own life. Even though I know that I would never want to inflict that hurt onto my loved ones, I felt I had been marked.
Other days I waited for the days to pass, in the hope that as they passed I would get further and further away from the fact.
Some days I felt totally mired in it all and so lost and unable to relate to my peers that I wondered if I would ever be "normal" again.
And then there were the occasional days, when the sun was shining and the leaves moving in the breeze and it didn't matter because I knew I was part of something bigger and that life carries us on like a salty tide, regardless. We have no choice in that.

1 comment:

DyingSoonMan said...

i just want u to know you've helped me tremendously. and you're a brilliant writer.

i'm sorry that this is what you have to write about, but your words are lovely, evocative, and healing. to me at least.

You are not alone.

If you have lost a loved one to suicide, this may help you to realise that you are not alone. 
There are others out there who have been bereaved in this way. 
These are bits a pieces of my own experiences. 
I hope they may help in some way.